Title: Travel Kits – A Simple Way to Bless Others
Publisher: The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Number of Pages: 93
Price: $12.45
Format: E-Book
When I think of a travel kit I think of a kit with personal hygiene products that someone would use when they travel. But, this E-book is all about a different type of travel kit. Travel Kits – A Simple Way to Bless Others teaches us how to design a kit for our children to help keep them occupied and enjoying their time in the car no matter how long or short your trip is. However, I feel that with this E-Book can easily teach you how to create travel kits for anyone, regardless of their age, for any occasion. Publisher: The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Number of Pages: 93
Price: $12.45
Format: E-Book
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love blessing others with surprises. I enjoy taking the time to find something special and adding a personal touch to it. Sometimes this can be a real challenge, especially when I’m buying for someone who seems to have everything and needs nothing. So if you know of someone who is celebrating a birthday, planning a family vacation, a honeymoon, a day at the beach, maybe someone (adult or child) who spends a great deal of time in the car running from one place to the next, or for any other occasion you can think of… a travel kit not only makes the perfect gift, but is a simple, yet wonderful way to bless someone you care for.
Your travel kit can be as large or small, simple or elaborate, and expensive or inexpensive as you want.
To begin creating your travel kit you want to choose a container such as a box, hat, bag, basket, cooler - whatever you wish, and start filling it with whatever goodies you want. Some examples would be
Your travel kit can be as large or small, simple or elaborate, and expensive or inexpensive as you want.
To begin creating your travel kit you want to choose a container such as a box, hat, bag, basket, cooler - whatever you wish, and start filling it with whatever goodies you want. Some examples would be
- Coloring books and crayons
- Reading books
- Portable music player
- Baked goodies
- Puzzles
- Small games
- Gift cards
- Your options are absolutely endless!
Next you want to individually wrap all the special surprises and arrange them nicely in the container.
Thankfully the E-Book: Travel Kits – A Simple Way to Bless Others by The Old Schoolhouse Magazine explains it far better than I have. It’ll break it down and teach you how to…
- Create a personalized travel kit
- Ideas for different themed kits
- Ideas of what to put in your kits
- Directions for creating your own homemade travel games
- A few YUMMY recipes
- Links to some useful resources
- List of tourist web links
- And SO much more!!
Oh, and it even teaches you how to do simple origami!!
Click here If you would like to purchase your copy of Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others. While you’re there be sure to check out what other great products The Old Schoolhouse has to offer.
Disclaimer: I received the E-Book: Travel Kits – A Simple Way to Bless Others from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine for free in exchange for my truthful review of the product. All opinions offered here are my own and I received no other compensation.
I'm visiting from the TOS Crew. I enjoyed your review! I hope you have a great weekend.