Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Amazing Science ~ TOS Review

I don’t know about your children, but my girls LOVE science, primarily doing science experiments.  My 6th grader would do nothing in school, but experiments if I let her.

Amazing Science!

 Amazing Science Volume 1 is a 2 disk DVD set containing 23 different science experiments.  The experiments are taught by Jason Gibson who has advanced degrees in Engineering and Physics and worked at NASA as a Rocket Scientist!  How cool is that?!

The experiments -

Color Changing Milk
Egg in a Bottle
Exploring Air Pressure
Building a Lemon Battery
Inverted Cup of Water
Candle Suction Power
Amazing Magnetic Force
Lift and Ice Cube with String
Unburnable Money
Matchstick Speedboat
Cloud in a Bottle
Reversing an Image with Water
Floating Eggs
Keeping Paper Dry Under Water
Dry Ice Bubbles
Balloon in a Candle Flame
Ocean in a Bottle
Build a Motor with Lights
Simple Lava Lamp
Invisible Ink
Density Tower
Soda Can Fizz
Build a Motor #2

Here is a sample video from the DVD.

Here are some photos and videos of my daughters having fun with science!

Inverted Cup of Water                     Color Changing Milk

        Invisible Ink                                                   Keep Paper Dry Underwater

I tried multiple times to upload videos of my daughters doing the Candle Suction Power experiment, as well as the Build a Motor #2, but for one reason or another I cannot get them to load correctly.  

They also completed several other experiments presented on the DVDs, but I failed to capture them on film.

Jason not only does the experiments for the student to see in action, but he explains the step-by-step process of performing them, as well as explains in length about what is happening and why. A complete materials list is also given for every demonstration.

When we played the DVD I instantly recognized Jason as the instructor for the Pre-Algebra Tutor DVD I reviewed back in September 2010. He is a great instructor!

The Amazing Science Volume 1 DVD set is available for $19.95 or or a download for $17.99

Be sure to read what my fellow TOS members had to say about Amazing Science DVDs.

** Disclaimer: I received Amazing ScienceDVD set from free of cost in exchange for my honest, unbiased, and fair review.

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