Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our curriculum for 2011-2012

With another school year beginning in the not so distant future, I thought I would share with all of you what we’re planning to us this school year.  My daughters will be in the 8th and 6th grades.

My 8th grader will be studying -  
Bible Study: Who Is God? This past school year I reviewed book 1 in the Who Is God series by Apologia. You may read it HERE.
I also have her working on a couple devotionals directed for girls only that I picked up at the local

Christian bookstore.   

Math: Teaching Textbooks. We’re starting out with Pre-Algebra, then moving on to Algebra. I also plan to use Khan Academy for further assistance when needed.       

English: Ace paces by School of Tomorrow

Etymology: Ace paces by School of Tomorrow

Science: Physical Science by Apologia. Chances are we’ll finish with Physical Science early in the year. If that happens then I plan to move her to Apologia Biology.   

History: Story of the World - Book 1

Health: Growing Healthy Homes - Nutrition 101: Choose Life.  This was another book I was chosen to review. You may read about it HERE.

Language Arts: Total Language Plus.  

My 6th Grader will be studying  

Bible Study:
Who Is God?  You may read my review HERE.

Teaching Textbooks. I’ll also be using Khan Academy for further assistance when needed.       

Ace paces by School of Tomorrow

Word Builder:
Ace paces by School of Tomorrow

All About Spelling Book 2

We’ll be finishing up Exploring Creation with Astronomy by Apologia. When the book is completed then we’ll either move to some Ace Science Paces I have or move on into General Science by Apologia. I’ll have to wait and see how things go throughout the year.

History: Story of the World

Growing Healthy Homes - Nutrition 101: Choose Life.  You may read my review HERE. 

Language Arts and Creative Writing:
Ace Paces by School of Tomorrow. I also have a couple Total Language Plus books we may do as well.  
And of course we’ll also be working on the many products I’m chosen to review as part of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew.

If you would like to read about what other homeschooler will be studying this year, check out the “Let’s Talk Curriculum” links at Training Children Up for Christ.


  1. I love it when everyone posts their curriculum.

    Who is God? looks awesome! I've added it to my pinterest board as a possibility for next year.

  2. I'm always excited to find someone who uses Apologia. I wanted to tell you that we've used Physical Science and Biology, and I love it. =)
    My kids are in 9th (twins) and 11th this year.

    I just wanted to let you know that I have done a sort of co-op for my children and their cousins, and have scoured the internet for youtube videos and other resources to go along with our science courses. Mostly videos.
    I've posted them on a blog, and listed them by module. If you're interested, you can see them here:

    This is free; I don't get anything other than the joy of blogging, and occasionally a comment from a viewer. =) I don't receive anything from Apologia. It's just that I discovered that I really, really love science! =)

    I hope I can be a blessing to you and your girls during the next few years as they study science.

  3. We are also using Apologia's Who is God, TT, and nutrition 101 this year! Cool!

    Thanks for linking up with me. This is great!

  4. Hi! I'm Nikki from the Crew and I'm following you now. I look forward to getting to know you better this year!


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